Monday, April 25, 2011


Hope you all had a wonderful Easter. It was a great day of spending time with family and remembering the sacrifice that Jesus made for us all. I know that I am so thankful for His gift.

Our Little Family of Three

(Max isn't too crazy about smiling for the camera anymore ;) He says cheese everytime and this is the end result. )

Friday, March 25, 2011

Strep Throat...UGH

Strep Throat.

My poor baby woke up with a fever on Wednesday morning. He seemed fine, just burning up. I went on to work and hoped it was nothing. My Mom keeps Max while I work and she called to tell me he had a temperature over 100. I called the doctors office and knew that they would tell me to wait it out and call back Thursday if he still had a fever. Anticipating he had a virus I did just that. We alternated the tylenol and motrin and couldn't get his fever below 99. Mommy was scared. You would think being a nurse I would understand how these things work. However, when it comes to my baby nursing judgement goes out the window. Seriously.

We went to the doctor yesterday and the nurse walked in and asked what was going on. I knew what they were going to do. And let me tell you, when they had to swab the back of his throat I had to try my hardest not to cry with him. It was horrible. :( And we got the dreaded diagnosis of strep throat.

So, our weekend is going to consist of lots of TLC from Mommy. We are resting on the couch today, watching cartoons and his new movie Bambi.

And hoping he feels better fast. And that this scratchy throat I woke up with this morning is just allergies. Now I am off to get my boy his popcicle. :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Jesus Loves Me

The second I found out I was pregnant, I prayed that God would help prepare me to be the mother He wanted me to be. Things become a lot different when you realize that a little life will soon be in your hands. My pregnancy was a scary yet very exciting time for Mark and I. Not many people know, but we were pregnant and lost our first baby at 10 weeks. We were heartbroken. It is one of the hardest things we have ever been through. Needless to say, we decided that we wouldn't give up hope and a year later we welcomed our precious Max into our lives. God blessed us with this little boy.

Our lives revolve around him. He is our most precious gift. A few weeks ago at church, the sermon really stood out to me. The speaker kept saying that it was our responsibilty to show not only our children but everyone the gift of Jesus. I know that Max knows about Jesus and I can only pray that he continues a close relationship with God as he grows up. We have to show him the way.

This past Sunday on the way to church Max told his Daddy to sing Jesus Loves Me. Mark leads the congregational songs and told Max he would. Once the service started, Max walked right onto the stage with his Daddy, grabbed his microphone and started singing that precious song. I have never been more proud. Seeing that sweet, innocent little boy singing and swaying to the music made my heart melt. He finished the song, turned around and handed the microphone to Mark and ran back to sit with me. It was a moment that I will NEVER forget. It's amazing how simple things seem to children. They don't realize all the trials and difficulties in life. Or maybe they realize they just don't matter in the end. Life is about living and loving all that you can. And I plan to do just that. :)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Fun at the Park

For weeks Max has been wanting to go to the park. He tells me all the time he wants to slide and swing so today I decided to take him. We both had a blast. My boy laughed the entire time. Well, almost. He screamed when it was time to leave. Here are the pics to prove how much fun we had. :)

It's hard to believe that this time last year Max was too little to really enjoy all the park has to offer. This year, I could barely keep up with him. We had a wonderful time and I am so thankful that we got to spend time together doing something we both loved.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Happy Birthday GiGi

Yesterday we celebrated a very important day. Gigi's birthday was extra special this year because Max could sing Happy Birthday to her. She said that was the best gift she received. :)

My mom has always been one of my very best friends. No matter what, she is always there for me. We have always been close and I hope that continues throughout my life. She is someone I always turn to for advice and help. She has the job that I dream of...spending Monday thru Friday with my baby boy. I am so blessed that Max has her in his life. She is the best Grandma. He has had her wrapped around his finger since day one.

Happy Birthday GiGi!! We love you so very much!!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My Boys

My life is busy. I feel like I don't have time to sit still most days. With working full-time, housework, spending time with family and friends, and taking care of my baby boy, I often times get overwhelmed. I feel like I could sleep for a week at times (not like that will ever happen with a toddler). But then I would miss time with these two...

My love...My life.
These two are what get me through those stressful events that pop up. These two are what make me smile every single time they cross my mind. No matter how busy my life may be, I wouldn't change a thing. I am blessed beyond anything I deserve. And for that I am thankful. :)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Family Divided

Anybody that is close to me knows that I am a huge sports fan! I love all sports, but football and basketball are my favorite. I really got into UL basketball when Mark and I started dating. I have to say that I am pretty much obsessed with UL and the Indianapolis Colts. It's bad. So bad in fact, that my husband complains that I watch too much football. Can you believe that?! Most of the time, I cheer for WVU as well, since I lived there for the first four years of my life. I think it breaks my dad's heart that I cheer for the red and black instead of the blue and gold. ;)

Well, yesterday my Mom and Dad's team won. :( I'm sure he would have loved to call and brag, but he knew better. I get really frustrated when we lose. I get that from my Daddy. When our teams play each other, we don't usually watch them together. I guess I have to admit that if my team has to lose, WVU would be the one team that it would be okay. Kinda. I hope you guys had a wonderful weekend with the ones you love. I know I sure did!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

We want to go back here...

After a stressful week, I can't wait for vacation!! I'm sure Max and Mark would agree as well. We have another beach trip planned for this summer with our best friends. When I ask Max what he wants to do in the mornings he says go to the beach with my mommy, Andrea and Kambri. It is so fun to be with my best friend and see our babies grow up so close just like us. It is precious. Little does he know, it wouldn't take much for me to hop in the car and take off for the ocean. :) So for know...I have been looking at pictures to keep me occupied. I hope that works until July.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

25 Months!

It is hard to believe that today my baby boy is 25 Months Old! I never realized the amount of love I could feel for someone until the moment he was placed in my arms. Love at first sight. :) Lots of things have changed in the last two years. We have had our issues with sleep, eating and now using the potty. I can honestly say I wouldn't change a thing. These last two years have been the best years of my life. All because of my sweet little family. And this little face...

Here are 25 things I want to remember about 25 Months:
1. You have been a Mommy's boy from day one. I LOVE it.
2. You are seriously the sweetest little boy. You give kisses and hugs constantly.
3. You can count to 10.
4. You love to sing. You are currently singing Walking on Sunshine.
5. You love to be outside. All. the.time.
6. You love tractors. They have to be green and John Deere. If they aren't, you aren't interested.
7. Your favorite food is Macaroni and Cheese. (Just like me)
8. I think that I have forced you to like Reba. I'm sure you were hearing her songs while you were in my belly and throughout your life. You now want to listen to her cd in my car. Over and over and over. I never thought Reba would get old.
9. You can hit a baseball across the room. I have a broken vase to prove it.
10. You love to dance. Anytime you hear music you shake your lil booty.
11. You are starting to show interest in the potty. You have used it several times in the last few days.
12. You want a chocolate chip cookie every morning for a snack.
13. You have been sleeping in your big boy bed for a few weeks now and love it!
14. You have an imaginary friend named Bob the Monkey.
15. You love to watch Diego, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Little Bear, and the Backyardigans.
16. My favorite time of the day is when I walk into your room in the morning. You smile and run to me for a hug and say good morning Mommy.
17. Ok, maybe I have more than one favorite...I also love when you go to sleep at night and want me right beside you. You love to snuggle.
18. You love the moon and stars. We have to look at them all the time.
19. You tell me how to drive. You tell me to slow down or speed up. You even say when to go when the light changes to green.
20. You love our dog Tanner. You call him Bubby. :) You follow him around all the time.
21. You weigh 26 lbs and are 34 inches tall. Yes, you are petite.
22. Your love to ride the 4 wheeler with your Papaw Doug.
23. You wave bye bye to me every morning when I go to work. You stand in the window until I am gone. Sometimes you still cry.
24. You are the light of my life.
25. My favorite thing to hear from you is "I Love you to the Moon and Back a Million Times." And Mommy is the only one that gets that. :) Trust me baby boy, Mommy loves you to the moon and back a million times too.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Weekend Wrap-Up

I love weekends. Especially weekends when my hubby is home to enjoy them with us. Mark works most Saturdays, so Max and I were so excited to find out he was off the whole weekend with us. We spent most of the day outside on Saturday. Max got to ride his new tractor all around the neighborhood. He rode it for hours. He loved it. :)

Max and Daddy loving the tractor and the weather!!

This is what our weekends should be about. Fun times with the people we love. I am so blessed to call these two boys mine. And boy do I love them and I am lucky they both love me. :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

From Baby to Big Boy Overnight

It is hard to believe that this was once my precious baby in his crib. It seems like this was a lifetime ago. He looks just like an angel, so little in a bed that he couldn't escape from. I felt like he was safe there. Max has slept in his crib at night since he was six months old. Don't get me wrong, there were plenty of nights he ended up in the bed with my hubby and I around 5am. I have to admit that I loved the chance to snuggle up with my boy. :)

A few weeks ago, I was getting ready for work and I heard a little voice on the baby monitor. "Mommy, I am jumping! Better come get me!! " I took off across the house to find a leg over the side of the crib and a little boy with a sneaky grin. This time he said "I am going to jump." I tried hard not to laugh and told him he couldn't get out of his crib. He thought it was hysterical. So needless to say that weekend, we started the transformation to a big boy bed.

He was so excited! He helped Mark and I get his new room all ready. It was hard to believe that this was my baby. He seemed so grown up. Of course, being the type of Mommy I am, I worried about everything. Would he run around the house in the middle of the night? Would he end up staring at me every single night trying to get in my bed??? I was not ready for this!!

Apparently he was ready. Max LOVES his room! He runs to get in his bed and says he is such a big boy! He tells everyone about his Big Boy Bedroom. Makes me proud and sad all at once. It's amazing how fast they grow! I am going to enjoy every second of it. :)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Livin for the Weekend

Working a 40+ work week makes me feel like I live for the weekends. Its the only time that I get to focus on entire days with my baby boy, and I love them. Don't get me wrong, I understand that being away from him at times can help make our relationship even stronger, but I have to admit it is hard! I still cry at times when I drop him off at my Moms house. And he cries which makes it even harder. There is no doubt that little boy has me wrapped around all of his fingers! ;)

But when I walk in the door to get him and get this, all seems right with the world. And I get to hear " I love you to the moon and back mommy!" Makes me melt every single time. :) Happy Friday!!! Hope you spend the weekends with the ones you love.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

It's Been a Long Time...

Well, it's been awhile. You know how it is, you are busy enjoying life instead of writing about it. A few weeks ago I started reading up on the blogs I had been missing and realized that I wanted to give blogging another try. A lot has happened in the past few months and it's becoming hard to keep up with all of it. This is a perfect solution and fun at the same time. :)

My sweet boy turned 2 in January! It is hard to believe that he is growing up so fast. He is hilarious! He loves to sing and dance and give his Momma kisses. It melts my heart. We had a John Deere themed birthday party. If someone would have told me years ago that there would be tractors involved in any aspect of my life I would have thought they were crazy. The things we do for our kids! ;)

It was precious! And Max loved every second of it.
Here are some things that I never want to forget about you sweet boy:
*You LOVE your Mommy! It seems that you have always been my boy and I love it.
*You know that all it takes is a sweet smile and kiss and I am putty in your hands.
*You are sleeping in a Big Boy Bed in your new bedroom!! You love it. And Daddy and I love it.
*You repeat everything you hear. The good and the bad.
*You sing Walking on Sunshine all day long. It. is. Precious.
*You are so strong-willed.
*You can hit a baseball across the house and it has to be thrown to you. I have a broken vase to prove it. It makes Daddy sooo proud.
*You are the best gift that I could ever receive. I know that you are the love of my life. I know that everything happens for a reason, and I am so thankful that I was chosen to be your Mommy Max. I love watching you grow!!
Well, here goes to trying to blog again. Wish me luck! ;)