Sunday, March 6, 2011

Family Divided

Anybody that is close to me knows that I am a huge sports fan! I love all sports, but football and basketball are my favorite. I really got into UL basketball when Mark and I started dating. I have to say that I am pretty much obsessed with UL and the Indianapolis Colts. It's bad. So bad in fact, that my husband complains that I watch too much football. Can you believe that?! Most of the time, I cheer for WVU as well, since I lived there for the first four years of my life. I think it breaks my dad's heart that I cheer for the red and black instead of the blue and gold. ;)

Well, yesterday my Mom and Dad's team won. :( I'm sure he would have loved to call and brag, but he knew better. I get really frustrated when we lose. I get that from my Daddy. When our teams play each other, we don't usually watch them together. I guess I have to admit that if my team has to lose, WVU would be the one team that it would be okay. Kinda. I hope you guys had a wonderful weekend with the ones you love. I know I sure did!


  1. Just wait until Walker takes Max to a UK game....hehe.

  2. That could go both ways!! Walker did like the bird sign in my yard! ;)
