It is hard to believe that this was once my precious baby in his crib. It seems like this was a lifetime ago. He looks just like an angel, so little in a bed that he couldn't escape from. I felt like he was safe there. Max has slept in his crib at night since he was six months old. Don't get me wrong, there were plenty of nights he ended up in the bed with my hubby and I around 5am. I have to admit that I loved the chance to snuggle up with my boy. :)
A few weeks ago, I was getting ready for work and I heard a little voice on the baby monitor. "Mommy, I am jumping! Better come get me!! " I took off across the house to find a leg over the side of the crib and a little boy with a sneaky grin. This time he said "I am going to jump." I tried hard not to laugh and told him he couldn't get out of his crib. He thought it was hysterical. So needless to say that weekend, we started the transformation to a big boy bed.
He was so excited! He helped Mark and I get his new room all ready. It was hard to believe that this was my baby. He seemed so grown up. Of course, being the type of Mommy I am, I worried about everything. Would he run around the house in the middle of the night? Would he end up staring at me every single night trying to get in my bed??? I was not ready for this!!

Apparently he was ready. Max LOVES his room! He runs to get in his bed and says he is such a big boy! He tells everyone about his Big Boy Bedroom. Makes me proud and sad all at once. It's amazing how fast they grow! I am going to enjoy every second of it. :)
So glad to hear the transition has gone so well - what a blessing. Now that warmer weather is here, we hope to see more of the Wise family:).
ReplyDeleteI hope so too Rachel! Max would love to play with Walker. He loves being outside. :)