It's hard to believe you have been here sixteen months today sweet boy. You have made your daddy and my life so much better. We are so proud of every new accomplishment you achieve. You are such a smart boy and always on the go. You are full speed ahead and don't slow down until you pass out in my arms at night. I have to say that nightime is my favorite time with you. Once you get sleepy you only want your Mommy. It is our time to cuddle and I love it so much. You love to sit in my lap and read books or watch an episode of Diego on tv. You love to look up at me and give me kisses. It melts my heart. You are Mommy's boy for sure, I LOVE it!

You are all boy. You love being outside and play with any and every ball that you see. Your daddy likes this and makes him so excited. You are about 23lbs and 30 inches. You are still wearing 12 month clothes. The doctor said it perfectly, you are petite like your Mommy and Daddy. :) No matter what size you are, you will always be perfect in my eyes. You are saying so many new words each day it is hard to keep up. You say Mom, Dad, Pop (Papaw), Gram, No, Ball, Cartoon, Popcorn, Outside, Drink, Bite, and the list goes on. It cracks me up for you to go to the tv and say cartoon. That means Daddy's baseball game or fishing show has to disapear. That makes Mommy happy. ;)

You play outside pretty much everyday until it is dark. You love to see the horses next door and the cats out in the field behind our house. You make noises that represent animals all the time. I have to say right now I think cats are your favorite. You say meow all the time. You also like to shoot at birds. You look up in the sky and say pow, pow all day long. You even make your hand in the shape of a gun.
You are such a sweet boy, Max. We love you with all our hearts. We are so thankful that God chose us to be your Mommy and Daddy. You make our lives complete. Happy sixteen months baby boy!